Stages of Drug Addiction

Drug addiction is a chronic disease that affects the brain and behavior. It is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, despite harmful consequences. Understanding the stages of substance addiction can help individuals recognize the signs of addiction in themselves or loved ones, and seek appropriate treatment.

The first stage of addiction is experimentation. During this stage, an individual may try a drug or alcohol out of curiosity or peer pressure. They may not see any significant negative consequences and may continue to use the drug recreationally.

The second stage is regular use. During this stage, the individual may start to use the drug or alcohol more frequently and may begin to experience negative consequences, such as problems at work or school, strained relationships, and financial difficulties. They may also start to develop a tolerance to the drug, which means they need to use more of it to achieve the same effects.

The third stage is dependence. At this stage, the individual's brain chemistry has been altered by the drug, and they have a physical and psychological dependence on it. They may experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to stop using the drug, and they may continue to use the drug despite negative consequences.

The fourth and final stage is addiction. At this stage, the individual's drug use is compulsive and they are unable to control their drug use despite the negative consequences it causes in their life. They may also experience cravings for the drug, and they may prioritize drug use over other important aspects of their life such as work, school, and relationships.

It's important to note that not everyone who experiments with drugs or alcohol will become addicted, and the progression from one stage to the next can vary greatly from person to person.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, it's important to seek help. NayaSavera de Addiction treatment options include therapy, medication, and support groups. The earlier treatment is sought, the better the chances for recovery. NayaSavera - NashaMukti Kendra is a non-profit organization registered under the Indian Trust Act of 1950. It established its first De- addiction & Rehabilitation Facility in 2008, in a small village (Jhiri) in Himachal Pradesh. Today, it is running two De-addiction & Rehabilitation facilities in Himachal Pradesh and one in Delhi and another one in Noida.

NayaSavera de addiction and Rehabilitaion Centre's mission is to provide effective, evidence-based addiction treatment and support to individuals and their families, in a caring and compassionate environment.


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