Heroin, Chitta, Alcohol, Substance Abuse problem in Himachal Pradesh In the tranquil landscapes of Himachal Pradesh, a sinister adversary has silently crept into our communities, targeting the very essence of our future - our youth. The insidious grip of addiction, specifically to CHITTA (Heroin), has begun to take root, casting a shadow of despair over our beloved state. Naya Savera Durg REHAB CENTRE IN NOIDA, PALAMPUR and KULLU stands as a beacon of hope in this battle against the growing heroin epidemic, offering a lifeline to those caught in its clutches.

HEROIN ADDICTION : The Silent Invader:

The Impact of Addiction problem on Our Youth:

As the heroin addiction or cocaine addiction continues to unfold, it is our youth who bear the brunt of its devastating consequences. Youngsters, once brimming with dreams and aspirations, find themselves ensnared by the vicious cycle of addiction. Families are torn apart, relationships strained, and dreams shattered. The story of CHITTA in Himachal Pradesh is a grim reminder that addiction knows no bounds, affecting people from all walks of life

Here are some common symptoms of addiction and signs of heroin addiction (CHITTA):

  • Social Isolation: Withdrawal from friends and family, and a preference for spending time alone.
  • Neglecting Responsibilities: A decline in performance at work or school and neglect of personal responsibilities.
  • Loss of Interest: A reduced interest in activities and hobbies that were once enjoyable.
  • Physical Symptoms: Itching: Heroin use can cause intense itching, often resulting in visible scratch marks on the skin.
  • Constricted Pupils: The pupils of the eyes become noticeably smaller, even in low-light conditions.
  • Slurred Speech: Difficulty in articulating words and slurred speech are common while under the influence.
  • Drug Paraphernalia: Finding drug-related items such as syringes, burnt spoons, rubber straps, or aluminium foil with burn marks.
  • Financial Issues: Frequent borrowing of money or financial difficulties, often due to the high cost of maintaining a heroin addiction.
  • Neglected Personal Hygiene: A lack of concern for personal hygiene, leading to unkempt appearance and clothing.
  • Withdrawal Symptoms: Experiencing physical and emotional distress when not using heroin, including muscle aches, sweating, anxiety, and restlessness.
  • Difference in Behaviour after consuming drugs: Lying about activities, whereabouts, or reasons for needing money.

The battle against CHITTA, HEROIN, ALCOHOL, WEED, in Himachal Pradesh is far from over, but together, we can overcome this AND MAKE NASHA MUKT BHARAT. Naya Savera Drug DeAddiction and Drug abuse Rehabilitation Centre stands as a steadfast partner in this fight, offering hope, healing, and a chance at a brighter future for those struggling with addiction.

As the sun rises over the hills of Himachal Pradesh, let it also symbolize the dawn of a new beginning for those who have been ensnared by CHITTA. Together, we can bring about change, awareness, and recovery. Join us in the fight against addiction, and together, we can help our youth reclaim their lives and dreams.

Don’t hesitate to reach out us for consultation:


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Call for Naya Savera - No. 1 Drug DeAddiction & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre Delhi, Noida, Himachal